Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Big wipe out on voting day

So yesterday was a voting day... I try to be well informed and vote so naturally yesterday the adults in my house voted.  It was also a free cone day at Dairy Queen and it is also the day I found out I am still clumsy at age 40. I stepped wrong and down I went... I heard a snap crackle pop and thought for sure it's broken... I'm unsure if it is or isn't.  It did swell some the pain isn't intolerable though. It actually feels a lot better today. You would most defitely think that after 40 years I would pay attention to where I was stepping but nope I am still just as clumsy...  So I say this to you as a life lesson be careful where you walk it may look safe but each step can be dangerous if your not taking each one purposeful....

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

                   So I started this blog years ago in hopes of sharing my life with everyone and hopefully inspire people in hard times.  I must admit I got lazy. Now I'm hoping I can start all over again but this time be a little more dedicated. Life with 1 husband, 5 children, 1 grandchild, 3 dogs and a cat can be very busy but I need to make time for others. So I'll share what I have for today.
Today is my V's birthday she turns 9. Daddy bought Dunkin Donuts  for her. (we usually don't buy donuts) This is a tradition he started a while back. I'm telling you the kids absolutely love it. Probably because of all the sugar but I'd like to think it's because the kids really like traditions. I believe traditions are important.  Especially when kids are little. They need memories. They need good memories. I believe you should eat healthy but splurging occsionally is ok and if it gives them a wonderful memory of their father, then we're all for it. I want their dad to be in their memories always as a fun loving and caring person. I'm sure your asking well how does their dad getting donuts make him that. Well they know that their dad works at least a 12 hr shift every night. Gets home super early and drives a half  hr. home then drove extra in the opposite direction to get donuts for each birthday. V has had this as far back as she can remember. I believe it's the little things in life that will leave them with some of their greatest memories.

I'm trying to let the kids sleep in a little but these dogs are driving me crazy. I took them out, fed them, and now they have to jump around playing, barking, and bighting. Why I ever decided to get another puppy I'll never understand....   Anyway I think thats all for today... Remember make each day count for those in your life you love. You never know when it will be their last...

God Bless

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Great cause

Go check this out...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Went to an Aquarium to feed a bird... lol It was hilarious... It decided to climb down my arm to my shoulder and onto my back... Then flew away...
but the kids loved it... I think they had a great time....

Friday, October 16, 2009

Well I haven't done this in a while... Life has been hectic lately... With all that has went on plus extra stuff a person could sleep for a week with no problem.... So I have even more ducks now I think 10 and 2 chickens, but we ate one and one died for no reason at all.... Hy Hunnee just got a job after being without one for almost a year and a half... It's nice hours the only thing is, is he works 6 days a week but we really could use the money so I am far from complaining.... I know he must be tired though.... We went on Vacation... Outer Banks North Carolina.... We had a blast, my Hunnee couldn't go because he started work that week.... That was a bumber.... but the kids sure did enjoy themselves.... and I slept for almost an entire day.... I seriously had to recuperate from vacation.... Well thats enough for now.... I'll try and remember to do this again... It always feels good to get some things out....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

" Little Germies"

my poor baby was sick (Koda) he's feeling much better but he was running a high fever... and a really bad cough but he's really better now. (Thank Jesus) now I think the other lil one is getting sick hopefully it stops here and no one else gets this...
I can not wait to start planting things.... I need to go clean out the duck pen.... so I should have a wonderful dirty day...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tax season

Oh my,

so I did my taxes today.... It was actually really fun I loved it.... I know I am probably legally insane.... but for those of you that don't know you can do your taxes free at and they simplify it for you.... How cool is that.... and I am very happy with what I am getting back.... So anyway I am sooooooooo ready for this snow to be gone and I love snow but I don't like it when I can't walk on the sidewalks or it's below freezing for long periods I want to play with my ducks.......... I have 4 ducks I hope I have some babies this spring but not many... cuz we'll eat the eggs also... I wanted to get some chickens but hubby thinks we should wait... I can be patient........
here's my Ducks